Dollar and Energy Saving Loan Procedures for COVID-19 Deferred Payments
Download the DESL Payment Deferral Request form
- For DESL deferred payment requests the lender will follow their own established loan deferral procedures and repayment schedule.
- Lenders will notify the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), electronically with a standardized NDEE document, with all Dollar and Energy Savings Loan deferred payment requests and provide a description of the lenders established procedures. This documentation will be maintained as a part of the NDEE record with the financial institution and in alignment with records retention policy.
- The lender will provide a timeline when payments are expected to be reinstated.
- Within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter, lenders will provide an update on the status of the loan and note any changes in the deferred payment status.
- The lender will continue to service energy loans with the same level of discretion as with all of the lender's loans.