11th Annual Wind and Solar Conference Held October 16-17

The Nebraska Wind and Solar Conference is a two-day event held every year that brings together a diverse range of stakeholders from Nebraska and across the country. This year's conference was held October 16 and 17, 2018 at the Corhusker Marriott in Lincoln. Continue...»

Energy Office Hosts Annual Weatherization Meeting

The Nebraska Weatherization Assistance Program Network held its Annual Fall Meeting in Lincoln on October 16, 2018. Participants from eight Nebraska Service Provider regions attended. Continue...»

Small Changes Can Add Up to Big Savings

Replacing your home's light bulbs with more efficient models can save you many dollars each year. Compared to traditional incandescents, energy-efficient lightbulbs such as halogen incandescents... Continue...»

Ask The Energy Advisor

The Nebraska Energy Office receives questions throughout the year from a wide range of people around the state. Here is just a one sample of questions we get from Nebraskans. Our mission is to answer questions that will... Continue...»

Five Ways to Make Areas More Energy Efficient

There are many ways to make your home more more energy efficient, but these five essential areas are a good place to start. Continue...»

Energy Statistics

Energy Supply and Demand Information

Continuously throughout the year, energy statistics data series are updated as new information becomes available. Some series are updated weekly, monthly, annually or... Take a look...»

Agriculture & Energy

Using Energy Wisely on Farm and Ranch

There’s no avoiding this reality in farming: Direct energy accounts for 5 to 7 percent of farm expenditures; indirect energy accounts for 9 to 10 percent. More info...»

In the Classroom

A Toolkit for Teachers and Parents

A good way to teach kids about energy is with an introduction to the concept of energy. Students discuss specific types of energy and the practical use of our energy resources. Continue learning...»

Energy Tips

Winter Energy Saving Tips

These energy-saving strategies will help you save money, save energy, and stay comfortable during the cold winter months. Some of the tips are free and can be used on a daily basis to... Learn more...»

The Nebraska Energy Quarterly is funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy through the State Energy Program