The electric power sector consists of facilities which generate electricity primarily for use by the public. Energy is used for the generation, distribution, and transmission of electric power.
Between 2020 and 2021, electric power sector energy use increased 3.2 percent to 380.1 trillion British thermal units (Btu). Nuclear electric power use increased 11.2 percent, natural gas use increased 3.7 percent, renewable energy use increased 2.9 percent, and coal use increased 0.4 percent. Petroleum use increased nearly four–fold.
The principal fuels used at electric utilities are coal (52.43 percent), renewable energy (25.31 percent), and nuclear electric power (18.91 percent). Natural gas (3.16 percent), petroleum (0.21 percent), and solar thermal and photovoltaic energy (0.14 percent) made up the other 3.51 percent of fuels consumed. Petroleum was comprised totally of distillate fuel oil.
In 2021, if there was consumption of geothermal energy in the electric power sector, it was comparatively small and rounded to zero.
More information on solar energy, geothermal energy, and wind energy in Nebraska is available.
Hydroelectric power data was included in the renewable fuels total, but is shown separately in the graphs and data tables below.