WSC engineering camp students visit wind farm
Republished with permission from the Wayne Herald
High school students participating in a two-day engineering camp at Wayne State College had the opportunity to visit the NextEra Energy Wind Farm west of Carroll on June 18, 2019.
They were accompanied by instructors Don Buryanek and Dr. Adam Davis, along with John Hay, a faculty member with the University of Nebraska.
The students learned about the 71 turbine wind farm, the construction of the turbines and how power is distributed.
Phillip Clement, project director for the project, told the students it is anticipated the turbines will begin providing electricity to the region in late October.
Damon Steelman, construction manager for the project, explained the capacities of the turbines. These range from 1.7 megawatts to 2.5 megawatts. He told the students the power will be purchased by Omaha Public Power for distribution.