NDEE to Revise State Energy Plan
The Nebraskan Department of Environment and Energy has started work to revise the State Energy Plan.
The current plan was completed in 2011 and NDEE intends to refocus the development and delivery of the plan.
This plan will be developed in two phases. The first will resemble portions of the annual Energy Report and describe where the state is now when it comes to energy. Phase two will be considered a "living document," where energy issues are examined on a continual basis and issues addressed on a regular schedule.
To help the agency determine the schedule of phase two, NDEE has issued a survey, which can be found here. It is open until October 11, 2019.
This survey asks respondents about their views on sustainable energy, what energy issues are most important to them, energy use and more. It is important the agency hear from Nebraskans across the state on these topics.
With this revision, NDEE will address its statutory responsibilities and provide energy information in phase two. This plan will not propose or promote policy. Its focus is to provide fact-based reviews that aid policymakers in their energy-related deliberations.
Phase one will address supply and demand of energy within the agricultural, commercial, residential, industrial and transportation sectors. It will also address current issues, like the status of renewable energy goals, the role and impact of public power in the state, and the ramifications of participation in the Southwest Power Pool.
Phase two will focus on energy topics as new and emerging practices and technologies are introduced. Those will be examined for viability in Nebraska.