Do you want to make your home more energy efficient? Do you want to do some work yourself but hire contractors to help with some of the energy efficieny projects? How can you be sure that the quality of work will be good?
The good news is there are many contractors performing high-quality energy efficiency work. First figure out what you can do to ensure your contractors deliver the kind of quality you're paying for.
The best quality assurance solution for most homeowners is to start with a home energy audit by a qualified Energy Auditor. Ask the auditor to specify the products and the quality standards for each recommended efficiency measure. The auditor can also help you by agreeing to inspect the finished work.
Once you have a clear idea and a description of the work that needs to be done, you'll need to identify contractors. Some utilities offer financial incentives and know of contractors who have training in energy efficiency work. The energy auditor can also help you with questions to ask potential contractors.
Here are a few key points to ask a contractor when making energy efficiency improvements: