One of the required duties of the Nebraska Energy Office is to "develop and maintain a program of collection, compilation, and analysis of Nebraska energy statistics." Continuously throughout the year, energy data is updated as new information becomes available. Some series are updated weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.
The data series listed here are just a few that were recently updated. These updates are useful in providing a perspective on energy trends.
The Nebraska Energy Office Annual Report is published every February 15th. The report contains information on how much energy Nebraska uses and how much we spend on energy compared to other midwest states and the U.S.
Wind Facilities’ Installed Capacity by State: statshtml/205.htm
Crude Oil Wellhead Prices in Nebraska: statshtml/40.html
States Shipping Coal to Nebraska in 2015: statshtml/64.html
Average Cost of Electricity for Irrigation by Member System of the Nebraska Rural Electric Association: statshtml/74.html