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Nebraska Energy Quarterly
March 2016
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Nebraska Energy Office

Dollar anrgy Savingd Ene Loans
Dollar and Energy Saving Loans

Energy Statistics
Nebraska Energy Statistics

Wind Energy Resources

U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Home
Energy Saver

The Nebraska Energy Quarterly is funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy through the State Energy Program.
Renewable Energy Project Saving Money for Ranchers...
Dollar and Energy Saving Loan and REAP Grant Utilized for Solar Panel System in Callaway
A Nebraska Energy Office Dollar and Energy Savings Loan and funding from the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) were utilized for a renewable energy project owned by JJ & SE Jenkins, LLC at the Jenkins Ranch in Callaway...

How to Save Money on Your Heating and Cooling Bills...
Zip Up Your Thermal Envelope to Save Energy
For most of my childhood my bedroom did not have heat or air conditioning. The house was a two-story farmhouse that had a propane stove and a window air conditioner in the kitchen.

Protecting Wildlife...
New Technology Could Protect Birds of Prey Flying near Wind Turbines
Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's National Wind Technology Center near Boulder, Colorado, recently hosted trained eagles and their handlers from Auburn University...

Saving Your Energy Dollars...
OPPD Offers Rebates to Businesses and Energy Saving Tools for Residential Customers
Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) offers many opportunities to business and residential customers who are looking to lower their energy bills.

Interactive Tool for Homebuilders...
DOE Releases State Energy Code Savings Calculators
In an effort to pursue greater energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) encourages the development, adoption, and implementation of model energy codes.

Save Money in Irrigation Costs...
How Irrigators Help Reduce Energy at Peak Times
Did you know when conditions are right, Nebraska irrigators — working with their local utilities — can reduce energy usage approximately 600 megawatts? That's almost half the total generation output from Gerald Gentleman Station, the states largest power generating facility.

Energy Statistics Agriculture & Energy In the Classroom Energy Tips
Nebraska Energy Prices, Consumption, Expenditures and More...
Latest Energy Statistics
One of the required duties of the Energy Office is to "develop and maintain a program of collection, compilation, and analysis of energy statistics." Continuously throughout the year, data series are updated as new information becomes available. Some series are updated weekly, monthly, annually or less frequently.
Getting the Most from Your Energy Dollar...
Using Energy Wisely on the Farm and Ranch

There’s no avoiding this reality in farming: Direct energy accounts for 5 to 7 percent of farm expenditures; indirect energy accounts for 9 to 10 percent.
Lessons for K-12...
A Toolkit for Teachers and Parents

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy is excited to present printable study guides and activities emphasizing the importance of coal, natural gas, and petroleum to our everyday lives. More importantly, we hope to familiarize students with the science and technologies that make using fossil fuels cleaner.
Tips for Saving Energy This Summer...
Ways to Save Energy and Money at Home

Although your first thought for cooling may be air conditioning, there are many alternatives that provide cooling with less energy use. You might also consider fans, evaporative coolers, or heat pumps as your primary means of cooling.
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