Up to 80 Flex Fuel Pumps to be Installed Across Nebraska...
The Nebraska Energy Office is accepting applications through December 31, 2015 for funding through the Access Ethanol Nebraska (AEN) grant program to install ethanol blender pumps across the state of Nebraska, allowing greater access to ethanol for Nebraskans and out of state visitors. Over $6 million in federal, private and state funds will be available for the blender pumps, fuel storage tanks, necessary infrastructure, marketing and education.
Access Ethanol Nebraska is a public-private partnership between the Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Ethanol Board and Nebraska Department of Agriculture, with the Energy Office as the lead agency. Federal funding for the AEN came from the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership (BIP) grant through the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation, which requires a dollar to dollar match from the state, private industry and foundations.
A portion of the matching funds will come from Legislative Bill 581 (LB 581) passed by the Nebraska Unicameral last session, which allows for some ethanol infrastructure. Additional funding will come from the Corn Board through the state corn checkoff, which is paid by Nebraska corn farmers. Funding also will come from the Ethanol Board and "Prime the Pump;" a non-profit organized and funded by the ethanol industry to improve ethanol infrastructure. The Energy Office is also pursuing matching funds from Nebraska ethanol producers.
"We encourage Nebraska retailers to take advantage of this program to not only increase access to ethanol blended fuels for motorists in Nebraska, but to increase the sales of ethanol," said David Bracht, Director of the Nebraska Energy Office. "Typically sales of mid-level ethanol blend fuels have increased 45 — 55% at Nebraska stations that have installed multi-product ethanol dispensers."
Nebraska ethanol plants produce around 2 billion gallons of ethanol a year, of which over 95% is shipped to other states or countries. In 2014, Nebraska motorists used an estimated 77 million gallons, or approximately 10% of the 764 million gallons that Nebraska produces. As a result of consuming less than is produced there is an abundance of a Nebraska made product to sell to other states creating economic development/prosperity for the state.
This collaboration reflects Governor Pete Ricketts' mission to Grow Nebraska with employment and economic development through a variety of areas highlighting Nebraska's best resources. It also will further the Energy Office's mission to "promote the efficient, economic and environmentally responsible use of energy."
Letters detailing the program and requirements were sent to Nebraska fuel retailers this week. Information and requirements of the program, as well as the application are available at cleanfuels/AEN.htm.
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