Bursts of Energy...
Electricity & Magnetism
Making a Switch
Recommended grade levels: 4-6
Goal: Students will gain knowledge of electrical circuits by experimenting with a switch.
Process skills: Observing.
Frameworks: Force and Matter
Materials: (for each switch)
Teacher background information:
This switch is a variation of one invented by Lewis Latimer, an African-American inventor who was one of the early pioneers in electric lighting. Latimer was a highly respected engineer at the Edison Electric Light Company. Researching Latimer's career would be a good way for students to learn about the challenges of bringing electrical lighting to the world.
This activity is offered to provide students with an opportunity to build a simple device. If you choose not to build them in class, these switches are inexpensive and can easily be made in quantity ahead of time for classroom use.
Students will:
Figure 1.
Figure 2. paper clip
paper clip (unfolded)
Figure 3. When both clips touch the foil, a circuit is made. When you tum the spool only one clip touches the foil, the circuit is broken.
bent paper-clips press against spool and wire attaches to nail.
Teacher resource:
Bingham, Jane. The Usborne Book of Science Experiments
Gr. 3-6. The book contains many easy-to-follow projects and activities with complete explanations and discussion.
ISBN: 0-7460-0806-6