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Nebraska Energy Quarterly
April 2014
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State Energy Program
The Nebraska Energy Quarterly is funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy through the State Energy Program.

Not Since Early 2011...
2.5% Dollar and Energy Saving Loans for All Projects
…and even 1.5% for NPPD Heat Pump Loans

Energy Saving Loans
Beginning March 31, 2014, Nebraskans will be able to finance eligible home improvements with a 2.5% Dollar and Energy Saving Loan from Nebraska lenders. Interest rates for home improvements haven't been this low since a brief seven month period in late 2010 and early 2011.

Just in time for spring and summer home improvement projects such as replacing air conditioners, doors, windows, furnaces, heat pumps and adding attic or sidewall insulation can be financed. A full list of eligible prequalified improvements can be found on the simple loan application forms. Maximum loan amounts for loan categories and interest rates can also be found at the Energy Office website.

The loan application process is reasonably straightforward: Decide on your improvements, get at least one bid, complete the appropriate application, and take the application and the bid you select to a lender.

Save the Date: April 26, 2014...
Creation Care for Congregations
Theological Foundations, Energy Efficiency, and Waste Management for Greening Houses of Worship. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Nebraska Wesleyan University Callen Hall, Lincoln. Featuring Keynote Speaker Rabbi Lawrence Troster, Scholar-in-Residence, GreenFaith.

Coming in May and June...
Seven No-Cost Training Opportunities in Omaha and Lincoln Areas

As part of the agency’s commitment to provide on-going energy building codes training for the compliance, construction and design industries in Nebraska, a series of seven specialized no-cost workshops...

State Energy Program Under ARRA...
State Energy Program Final Report Lists Nebraska Successes
The Nebraska State Energy Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was completed and a new report reveals a variety of energy conservation projects across the state which received funding.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Investment of $42.1 Million...
Final Report Provides Detail on 5,038 homes Weatherized
A PowerPoint-style final report, Nebraska Weatherization Assistance Program Production Report, 2009 - 2012, provides extensive detail on how $42.1 million in American Recovery and investment Act funds were used...

Wind Turbines for Schools...
UNL Wind Applications Center a Valuable Resource
2013 Annual Report The University of Nebraska-Lincoln houses the Wind Applications Center, which is an excellent resource for Nebraska's K-12 schools. Wind Applications Center Director Jerry Hudgins says...

Used Car Fuel Economy Estimates Now Possible...
2014 Fuel Economy Tool Released
The U.S. Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency have added a new label that features EPA fuel economy estimates and carbon dioxide estimates for used vehicles sold in the United States since 1984.

Programs, Energy Trends, Needs and More...
Energy Office’s 2013 Annual Report Now Online
Since 1978, the Nebraska Energy Office has been producing an Annual Report that covers program activities, energy trends and needs and financial expenditures.

Energy Grants Agriculture and Energy In the Classroom
Apply Now...
2014 Rural Energy for America Grants
Farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses can apply now for grants and loan guarantees for clean energy projects under the Rural Energy for America Program – or REAP.
Getting the Most from Your Energy Dollar...
Using Energy Wisely on the Farm and Ranch

There’s no avoiding this reality in farming: Energy is one of the more expensive components of raising crops and livestock. In 2006, direct energy expenditures in agriculture accounted for 5-7 percent of farm expenditures.
Bursts of Energy...
Solar Powered Distillation

In this project for grades 2 - 6, students will learn how the sun plays an important role in making distilled water.

Energy Statistics Updates
Latest Energy Information
One of the required duties of the Energy Office is to “develop and maintain a program of collection, compilation, and analysis of energy statistics.” Continuously throughout the year, data series are updated as new information becomes available. Some series are updated weekly, monthly, annually or less frequently.

The Energy Wiz Answers Your Questions

In this issue's feature of the Energy Wiz, we have questions about energy saving equipment tax deductions, renewable energy projects and available funding for commercial roofing.

Dear Wiz, I have installed energy saving lights and would like to take advantage of 179D tax deduction for 2013. But before claiming the deduction, must I obtain a certification that the required energy savings will be achieved?

Dear Wiz, Are there any rebates or incentives when replacing a flat commercial roof?

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