American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Investment of $42.1 Million...
A PowerPoint-style final report, Nebraska Weatherization Assistance Program Production Report, 2009 - 2012, provides extensive detail on how $42.1 million in American Recovery and investment Act funds were used by the Nebraska Energy Office Weatherization Assistance Program:
- The Energy Office's crew of monitors logged more than a quarter of a million miles over the four years, slightly less than the distance to the moon. Those same monitors inspected weatherized homes in 170 of the state's 384 villages and 125 of the 152 cities.
- The Energy Office provided 30 different types of training and workshops for almost 1,100 individuals who provided weatherization services at the local level.
- The types of residences weatherized over the four years: 54 percent owner-occupied frame homes, 16 percent renter-occupied frame homes, 9 percent owner-occupied mobile homes, 13 percent multi-family units, one percent renter-occupied mobile homes and 7 percent were homes that had previously been weatherized.
The Report also provides quantitative detail of each local service provider's work during the four years, including the number of homes weatherized each month, homes monitored and homes that required follow-up activity. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded activities under the Weatherization Assistance Program concluded June 27, 2013.