State Energy Program Under ARRA...
The Nebraska State Energy Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was completed and a new report reveals a variety of energy conservation projects across the state which received funding.
The "State Energy Program American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Final Report", was released in January 2013. The Report details the results of energy saving and conservation projects that were awarded across the state.
The Energy Office welcomed the opportunity to invest State Energy Project (SEP) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds and worked with partners and stakeholders to maximize the impact of the investment of SEP funds into projects that would benefit our state long after the dollars were expended. The purpose of the Energy Office's SEP ARRA program was to create and retain jobs, bolster the efficient use of energy in all sectors, and increase energy generation from renewable energy sources. The Office's approach to accomplishing these goals was to invest in a variety of project types that would yield both short- and long-term energy savings. Retrofits in state-owned buildings and renewable energy projects produced more immediate energy savings once completed while renewable energy curriculum and building codes projects ensure ongoing improvement in the efficient use of energy throughout the state.
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