Cedar Apartments in Ogallala
Weatherization Assistance Program...
43 Homes Weatherized at Cedar Apartments in Ogallala

“Thank You” message from some of the Cedar Apartment's children.
Photograph: Cedar Apartments
November 30, 2011

Cedar Apartments in Ogallala are more energy efficient thanks to free weatherization services from Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska and the Nebraska Energy Office.

The apartment complex received $89,652.24 for a $90,034.24 project to install energy efficient windows, digital thermostats, bathroom exhaust fans, compact fluorescent lighting and install efficient insulation in attics and pipe insulation. A total of 43 units at Cedars were weatherized through the cost-sharing agreement.

The Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska made the initial inspections and managed project’s sub-contractors. Window replacements were installed by Mirror Construction, Inc., the digital thermostats were installed by Hansen Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc. and the compact fluorescent light bulbs, bathroom exhaust fans, attics, pipe insulation and air sealing measures and final inspection was performed by Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska. Work began on August 8 and was completed on September 23, 2011.

More information about the Weatherization Assistance Program is at the Energy Office website.
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