Do Your Part to Help the Environment, Starting at Home
home lighting

Did you know the energy you use in your home can be responsible for up to twice the greenhouse gas emissions as the car you drive?

That’s because most electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, which releases greenhouse gases into our air. In Nebraska in 2001, coal and nuclear power plants generated 66 percent and 29 percent, respectively, of electricity in the state. Hydroelectric plants, natural gas plants, petroleum plants, and renewable plants produced the remaining 5 percent.

If you’re like most people, you want to make a difference but don’t know where to start.

A Bright Light
outdoor lightThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a bright idea. In fact, it’s as simple as changing a light.

Changing the world takes less time and energy than you might think. You typically spend more to light your home than you do to operate your refrigerator all year long. If you’re still using traditional incandescent bulbs and inefficient fixtures, you’re wasting a lot of energy and money — and creating unnecessary pollution to boot.

pendulum lightSwitching to energy-efficient lighting can save you time, energy and money — and help the environment. These products last up to ten times longer, which can mean more than seven years between bulb changes. And since they also use at least two-thirds less energy, you’ll save money on your utility bills. Try simply changing out the five lights you use most to ENERGY STAR qualified ones. You’ll be doing your part to reduce the emissions that cause global warming, and if all of our homes did it, we’d prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from more than 8 million cars.

If each household in Nebraska changed just ONE bulb — replacing a 75 watt one with a 20 watt compact fluorescent — Nebraskans would save about $4 million a year in reduced energy costs. change a light pledge

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For more information use the following links:
  • 10 Ways to Save with Lighting
  • ENERGY STAR Qualified Residential Light Fixtures – Fast Facts
  • ENERGY STAR Qualified Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs – Fast Facts
  • Lighting Technologies: A Guide to Energy-Efficient Illumination
  • The ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. For information, go to