After Two Years of Operation...
The MEAN Wind Project at Kimball
Kimball Wind Farm
Back in November, 2001, when the Board of Directors of the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska approved the development and construction of the state’s largest commercial wind farm at the time in Kimball, few imagined how successful the project would become.
In celebration of the project’s two year milestone, the Municipal Energy Agency hascreated a web site that chronicles the project from its inception through construction to completion and operation. The development of the web site was financed with funds from a U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America grant received by the Energy Office.
The web site provides information on the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, the history and facts about the wind project at Kimball, frequently asked questions such as “How reliable are wind turbines?” as well as photos of the project and links to related areas of interest.
The statshtml/89.htm">amount of electricity generated by the Kimball Wind Project, which is responsible for more than 75 percent of the electricity produced by wind in the state, is updated monthly by staff at the Energy Office.
Energy Statistics
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