An innovative "hybrid business plan," developed by Cooperative Development Services in Wisconsin, may help small investors, farmers and landowners develop community wind turbine projects.
The business plan model details the steps for small investors to join together with a larger investor in need of a tax write-off. Under this scenario, the investors would form a limited liability corporation that would loan the larger investor money to help fund the purchase of the installation of the wind project. The limited liability corporation would be paid interest for ten years — the term in which the larger company could use the federal tax credits. After ten years, the larger corporation would give ownership of the operation to the limited liability corporation as payment for principal owed.
Copies of the full report which includes case study analyses of two potential projects are available from Michael Vickerman at RENEW Wisconsin at 608-255-4044 or by mailto:mvickerman%40renewwisconsin%2eorg">Email. The full report is not available online.
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