Will Wind Energy Work for You?... Wind Energy Checklist TheIowa Wind Energy Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide for Cities, Schools, Municipal Utilities, Rural Electric Cooperatives, Business and Landowners is designed to determine whether wind energy will work in a particular situation and how a wind energy project can be developed. The Checklist is specifically designed for small-scale users: people who want to erect one turbine or a small group of turbines in one location. The Checklist brings many resources from numerous organizations together to show prospective wind developers the technical, financial and contractual steps involved before a turbine can be installed. Among the topics covered in the Checklist: The publication extensively uses materials and web sites that can provide greater detail as well as worksheets for tracking electrical and budget information. The Checklist was developed by the Iowa Association of Municipalities for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with assistance from the U.S. Department of Energy. ">Home Energy Loans Energy Statistics mailto:energy1%40mail%2estate%2ene%2eus"> State of Nebraska Home disclaimer.htm"> Disclaimer feedback2.htm">Webmaster